Content Creators Program
Expanding the audience for your content


Arbitr is founded by content creators and security practitioners. We know what it takes to create high-quality content and want to share our knowledge with fellow content creators. Our business has four primary modes of operation.

    1. Contract Development – Like many companies, we win contracts to develop content, and we would work with you to create that content for a fee/hour rate.

    2. Arbitr Platform Content — Our team often identifies market opportunities for training or tabletop exercises and seeks to partner with experts in specific areas. We can do this for a fixed price or as a shared revenue model to create recurring revenues for our content development partners.

    3. In-Person Training and Tabletop Moderation — We are often asked to create and deliver content. Arbitr would provide the opportunity to earn additional compensation if our content creators were open to conducting in-person events.

    4. Distribution Channel – We will distribute your created content and sell it to our customer base using a revenue-sharing model.

Content Creator Program

Arbitr works with cybersecurity vendor professional services teams, manages security service providers, consulting partners, and cyber event partners to provide:

  • Leverage Existing Content — As we look to provide a comprehensive library of cybersecurity content, please share a summary of your current content.

  • Contract Content Creation — Arbitr works with partners to create content we have received contracts to develop.

  • Joint Content Development — Join our content creator team and focus on new solutions for cybersecurity, governance, and best practices.
  • Compensation Models — Arbitr provides several compensation and revenue-sharing models based on the type of content and your interests.

  • Content Ownership and Rights — If the content is developed under a development agreement, it would be owned by Arbtir and our ultimate customer.

    If your content is created on your own, you own it.

    If it is a joint revenue-sharing development, the rights are shared.



To learn more about the Arbitr partner program, please share a bit about your organization.


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